Saturday, February 6, 2016

This Beautiful Mess Called Life

I awake each morning at 6am, grab my running shoes and head out for a good run to start my day. I return to bake muffins and scramble eggs and make coffee for my family. We eat, we clean up, we do laundry and we tackle school work but first we sing Kumbaya hand in hand. It's all just so......NOT TRUE!

There are days and even seasons where life looks similar to this (minus the Kumbaya) and those are the days where I excitedly msg my husband with something like this, " killin it!"
But most days look more like this...
Do you see my favorite orange retro chair?  Yeah, I don't either. I rarely ever see that sweet chair. The days when the chair is revealed in all it's awesomeness, I sit in it and enjoy a moment because let's face it, it'll likely be a while before we see one another again!

The days when it is covered in clothes from our family 6, I can choose to do one of two things: let the mountain overtake me (believe the lie) or see the purpose in my day (choose truth).

"You cannot do it all" rings in my head and guess what?! That is NOT the lie! That's actually true my friends. You cannot do it all. We load our lists down until they are nearly impossible for one person to tackle.  And even worse than that, we load our lists down so much that there is ZERO time in our day for people. The lie is that you "should" be able to do it all and everyone else is doing it ALL and way better.

The truth is this: You cannot do it all.  You were not meant to do it all.  Laundry is never done. Hear me on this because it's freeing if you let it be! Laundry is NEVER done!!! I promise you it happens every. single. time.  I work and work on my tunnel vision mission to get it all caught up! And I mean, out of my way people.  And then I look at that clean floor and those empty hampers and just mere hours pass and it's piled up again!

Am I saying to neglect your laundry and make your family wear dirty, no.  But I am saying two things: put those kids to work learning the life skills of laundry AND.......breathe.
Maybe your pile looks more like dishes or school books or to-do lists..whatever it is...

Stop. Stop trying to do it all.  Stop for one second and look at your life.  All of those things that you wish you had time for: having that friend over for coffee, taking the kids to the park, going to serve with your friends...whatever it may it! Make time for loving people, whether it is the people in your home or people you bring into your home or people you go to.  Make the time. It's there if you look for it.

Enjoy the craziness! There can be so much good in it. It's life. Stop waiting for it to look like Pinterest. Stop waiting for it to "slow down."  Stop waiting for the neon sign to drop in your lap.  Start living your life.  Believe it or not, there is beauty in the mundane. It's whether or not you choose to see it.

"We all get to decide how happy we will be because we all get to decide how grateful we are willing to be." -Ann Voskamp

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